Discounts and Financial Aid
- Students who took first, second or third places at the International Olympiads in particular subjects (Physics (IPHO), Chemistry (ICHO), Mathematics (IMO), Biology (IBO), Informatics (IIO)) can study with 100% discount. Students having Olympiad certificates have the right to apply to any department of the Ala-Too International University.
- Students who receive 219-240 points in the National Level University Entrance Exam (GRТ) can study with 100% discount at any department. (Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Medicine).
- Students who receive 210-218 points in the National Level University Entrance Exam (GRТ) can study at any department with a 75% discount.
- Students who receive 200-209 points in the National Level University Entrance Exam (GRТ) can study at any department with 50% discount.
- Students who receive 175-199 points in the National Level University Entrance Exam (GRТ) can study at any department with 25% discount.
- Students who receive 156-174 in the National Level University Entrance Exam (GRТ) can study at any department with a 10% discount.
- Students who receive 140-155 points in the National Level University Entrance Exam (GRТ) can study at any department with a 5% discount.
- Students who successfully graduated from school with a Red Diploma can study with a 20% discount.
- Students who graduated from AIU college with a Red diploma receive a 25% discount.
- Students who completed basic general education (9 grade) and got the Certificate with distinction can study at the AIU college with a 10% discount.
- Students who graduated from college of the "Ala-Too" International University can apply for a Bachelor program with a 20% discount.
- Students who graduated from "Sapat" high schools can study with a 20% discount.
- Students who took 1st place in the 11th grade "Robotics" competition organized by IEO "Sapat" have the right to apply for the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics with a 20% discount.
- A 30% discount is provided to students whose parents have passed away, upon demonstration of the required documents.
- A 10% discount is provided to students who do not have a mother or father, upon demonstration of the required documents.
- A 10% discount is provided for a student from a family with 4 children and age is below 22
* Students who are entitled to study with any discount will have to pay the entire tuition fee if they fail three and more courses during the semester. The discount will be renewed as soon as the student succeeds in all failed courses in the next semester.
** Restriction on discounts: student can get only one discount.
Справка о банковском счете
Клиент: Учреждение "Международный университет "Ала-Тоо"
Номер мультивалютного банковского счета 1090805135480135
Дата открытия счета: 4.06.2018
Филиал ОАО "Оптима Банк" в г.Бишкек №1
г.Бишкек, ул.Абдрахманова, д.105
БИК филиала: 109008
Тел.: (312) 66-14-91, (312) 66-03-65, 66-12-77
Режим работы:
Филиал ОАО "Оптима Банк" в г.Бишкек №1
Операционный день: с 9.00 ч. до 17.00 ч.
Обеденный перерыв. 12.00 ч.-13.00 ч.
Выходные дни: суббота, воскресенье.
Менеджер банковского счета:
( подпись)
Дата выдачи: 25.08.2020
Standard settlement instructions of Optima Bank OJSC in USD / Реквизиты для клиентов ОАО «Оптима Банк» для зачисления долларов США:
:70 DETAILS OF PAYMENT:Размер поля ограничен 140 символами |
Kookmin Bank, Seoul, KoreaSWIFT: CZNBKRSE |
Account: 7A8-8-USD-01-2Optima Bank OJSC, Bishkek, Kyrgyz RepublicSWIFT: ENEJKG22 |
Beneficiary name, account number, addressУчреждение "Международный университет "Ала-Тоо" (Ala-Too International University)1090805135480135 и адрес |
Purpose of payment (for what ,invoice, contract #, date)Назначение платежа (за что, номер инвойса, контракта, дата) |
The Bank of New York Mellon,New York, USASWIFT: IRVTUS3N |
Account: 8900057610Sberbank,Moscow, Russia,SWIFT: SABRRUMM |
A/c: 30111840700000000415Optima Bank OJSC, Bishkek, Kyrgyz RepublicSWIFT: ENEJKG22Учреждение "Международный университет "Ала-Тоо" (Ala-Too International University)1090805135480135 |
In favor of Beneficiary name and address, to account №:, purpose of payment (for what ,invoice #, contract #, date)Наименование и адрес получателя, номер счета и назначение платежа (за что, номер инвойса, контракта, дата) |
The Bank of New York Mellon,New York, USASWIFT: IRVTUS3N |
Account: 8900613920ALFA-BANK,Moscow, Russia,SWIFT: ALFARUMM |
A/c: 30111840200000000049Optima Bank OJSC, Bishkek, Kyrgyz RepublicSWIFT: ENEJKG22Учреждение "Международный университет "Ала-Тоо" (Ala-Too International University)1090805135480135 |
In favor of Beneficiary name and address, to account №:, purpose of payment (for what ,invoice #, contract #, date)Наименование и адрес получателя, номер счета и назначение платежа (за что, номер инвойса, контракта, дата) |
The Bank of New York Mellon,New York, USASWIFT: IRVTUS3N |
Account: 890-0260-645ATF Bank,Almaty, Kazakhstan,SWIFT: ALMNKZKA |
A/c: KZ05826A0USDN1000016Optima Bank OJSC, Bishkek, Kyrgyz RepublicSWIFT: ENEJKG22Учреждение "Международный университет "Ала-Тоо" (Ala-Too International University)1090805135480135 |
In favor of Beneficiary name and address, to account №:, purpose of payment (for what ,invoice #, contract #, date)Наименование и адрес получателя, номер счета и назначение платежа (за что, номер инвойса, контракта, дата) |
Bank of China New York Branch, New York,SWIFT: BKCHUS33 |
Account: UID361477Bank of China Kazakhstan, Almaty,SWIFT: BKCHKZKA |
A/c: KZ679139700062010USDOptima Bank OJSC, Bishkek, Kyrgyz RepublicSWIFT: ENEJKG22Учреждение "Международный университет "Ала-Тоо" (Ala-Too International University)1090805135480135 |
In favor of Beneficiary name and address, to account №:, purpose of payment (for what ,invoice #, contract #, date)Наименование и адрес получателя, номер счета и назначение платежа (за что, номер инвойса, контракта, дата) |